воскресенье, 14 мая 2017 г.

Describing a person

Vlad and I are very good friends, first time we met at the 5th grade at school, but we doesn't communicate so well since I became in his grade. Now we are very good friends. Vlad in his 14 years he very smart, attractive and funny. He's not very tall and white-skinned with short hair, a warm smile  and dark-green eyes that sparkle when he laughs. He also has very good sence in games and computer technologies.
Vlad has a great personality. He is very popular and sociable person. He also have an awsome sence of humor. He can see the funny side of any situation and is always making me laugh. 

воскресенье, 23 апреля 2017 г.

Should all teaching and learning take place online these days?

    Online education is very popular nowadays.  I think it's very useful for students who can't go in school or who do not have time or money to study in normal school. Also it could help to study for disable students. There are many ways to study online for example: Khan academy, TEDed, Learnist, Prismatic,online tutors, but it's not for free. 
    Also online education is have minuses. Online learning cannot offer human interaction.iN school students learning how to be patient, friendly.........

воскресенье, 16 апреля 2017 г.

Fipi p. 5

Dear Ann,
thank you for the letter.
             I start to learn english in 2nd grade and then I fell in love in english. After that I am start to learn english with my tutor. I want to start learning spanish or french because in future I would like to study abroad, in France or in Spain. Second reason is that I like this languages and I would like too study one of them soon. Third reason is that this languages are starting to be very popular on the Earth.


воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.


Dear Ben thank you for the letter!                                                     Chelyabinsk, Russia
My favorite season is summer because at the summer is my birthday, swim in the lake, walk at the street without coat and play bascketball.
 When rainy I usually stay at the house and play computer games, drinking tea,reading book and doo other things



Text №1
Text №1

воскресенье, 12 февраля 2017 г.

module 3

1)The source of Amazon river is high in mountains. At first, its a gentle tricle , but then it gathers speed and widens, eventually rushing into the Atlantic Ocean at 58 million gallonsa second. The Amazon runs trough the worlds largest junglewhich is home to a tenth of the worlds animal and plant species. It is also one of the planets most dangerous and hostile habitats. The dangerous there are enough to put anybody off: floods, giat anacondas, jaguars, electric eels, drug smugglers, malaria, hostile tribes and sharp-toothed caiman crocodiles! 
2)Deforestation occurs when people whole forests of trees . Tropical rainforests in cntral America, for instance, have been turned into land for grazing sinse 1950.